Can computers compose?
Can computers compose music that is worth listening to?
Air beds enhance Eurovision lyrics
Air beds vital to Eurovision sound
The myth of the stradviarius
Are stradviarius violins the best money can buy?
I am sitting in a room
A version of Alvin Lucier’s most famous work “I am Sitting in a Room” performed using the world’s ‘longest echo’ (reverberation time).
Should electronic vehicles make noise?
Is making electronic vehicles emit noise good for safety.
Are formula 1 cars too quiet?
An acoustic analysis of the changing sound of Formula 1 cars
Preserving endangered sounds
Preserving favourite endangered sounds
A new record, or has vinyl reached it's final resting place?
Vinyl sales are rising, but is this about sound quality or something else? Guest blogger Alex Wilson looks at the science
Underneath the arches
A soundwalk in castlefield, showing how unusual acoustic effects can be found in unlikely places like under railway bridges.
An acoustic analysis of the World’s 'longest echo'
Acoustic analysis of the World’s ‘longest echo’