I’ve been working on a Travel Guide to Sound; a website that suggests places to visit because they sound interesting or have wierd and wonderful acoustics. Browse a normal travel book and you’ll read detailed descriptions of wonderful places to visit and enjoyable experiences to have. Modern lives are dominated by what we see, and so normal travel guides describe beautiful vistas, eye-catching art and iconic architecture. But the sounds of many places we visit are part of the experience, and in some cases what we hear is more important than what we see. The Sonic Wonders Website is trying to identify places with unique sound character and encourage people to become sonic tourists. In many ways it’s a Rough Guide to Sound.
This isn’t meant to about music or accents, although music and speech will be important for some places. It’s mostly about other sound effects: whispering galleries, squeaking sands on beaches and surprisingly quiet places. Maybe you have some ideas, in which case please suggest some on the site.
Increasingly, people are capturing the World’s sonic wonders, whether deliberately by recording what they hear on a portable device such as an iPhone, or almost by accident, as the soundtrack on a video recording.
Why not visit the Sonic Wonders Website
[1] Photo M.chohan
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