Stonehenge: Whispering Gallery?
Searching (in vain) for whispering gallery effects in Stonehenge. Pretty FDTD simulations and measurements in our Acoustic Scale Model of Stonehenge.
Speech in Stonehenge
How loud was speech and music inside Stonehenge in 2,200 BC? And what might that say about how the site was used by our ancestors?
Stonehenge, henge, henge
Did the circle of stones cause focussing and discrete echoes within Stonehenge.
Stonehenge: beyond reverberation time
Stonehenge: analysis of my 1:12 scale model, going beyond reverberation time to examine early decay time.
How reverberant was Stonehenge?
The reverberation time in our 1:12 scale model compared to the full scale replica at Maryhill, USA
How We Measured the Acoustic Scale Model of Stonehenge
Details on the measurement equipment and analysis process for the 1:12 scale model of Stonehenge
An Acoustic Scale Model of Stonehenge
How was it built? Over the last 18 months I’ve been constructing a 1:12 scale model of Stonehenge. I want to better understand the ancient acoustics within the circle. By creating Stonehenge ‘Lego’ I can test how the site would have sounded in it’s various historic configurations. With so many stones displaced or missing in…
Did acoustics affect where palaeolithic cave 'art' was painted?
Did the first large scale scientific test of the theory that acoustics affected where palaeolithic cave ‘art’ was painted, support the hypothesis? The lead author on the paper explains.