Which of these YouTube videos from Glastonbury is better?
To celebrate Glasonbury and the start of the Festival season, we’ve made an on-line experiment which will examine the quality of user generated content from festivals. The experiment is quick and easy to do, and we’ve nicknamed it QualiTube. You have to watch 10 second videos of the same band performing at Glastonbury and tell us which sounds and looks better.
This is part of the good recording project at the University of Salford, which is investigating the quality of recordings, including music at events. One thing we are trying to learn from QualiTube is whether any of the meta-data given with youtube (e.g. number of views) correlates with the quality of the video as rated by participants in the experiment. Another thing the results will tell us is what makes a good recording and what are the common problems with bad recordings. Does the sound of crowd noise on a mobile recording enhance or detract from the quality of the video?
Take part: QualiTube.
What is your experience of mobile recording of music?